Mila Post 1

Welcome to my blog SameSame. You must be wondering what a weird name for a blog. Well, first of all, I have heard weirder names and secondly, it emphasies my point that in most ways all of us are the same , in the sense that we all want  the same things in life, like friendship, love, shelter…etc. To me, everything else is secondary.   My name is Mila, and today is my first day of college and just felt that I should share my thoughts with you guys out there, especially those who are from small towns and have to move into the city for college or for work.  Here, I want to share my thoughts, ideas and feelings. This is my first entry hope you like it and continue to visit this blog.

Friends - Good friends must be a gift from god, I’m sure. To be honest, I was very scared when I entered the college grounds. Everyone looked confident and rather unfriendly.
However, the warm reception I received since joining college has been overwhelming. I remember my first class; my heart was beating so fast and I was scared, and did not know where to go. Then out of nowhere, I see this friendly face smile and wave at me.
I walked up to her and introduced myself. Lee Yee Suen, was her name and she told me I could sit next to her during class and at that moment, all the fear that I felt in my heart disappeared instantly.
My first day in college was a pleasant one after all. I made 1 friend which led me to Nora, Eric and Geetha who stand a chance to be potential friends.
 I learnt two things today; that even in friendships we are all the same, we all want mutual respect and that a small act of kindness can make a huge difference.


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